CCP and IHS collaborate on video series

September 10, 2012   •  By Sarah Lee
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The Institute for Human Studies (IHS) at George Mason University and the Center for Competitive Politics (CCP) have recently concluded a series of videos as part of IHS’, an effort that seeks to answer the following questions:

  • What is the nature of man and society?
  • What are the best ways to organize human society?
  • What is the proper role for government?
  • The first video features CCP founder and Chairman Brad Smith discussing the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1974, under which, according to Smith:

    …the United States government keeps track of your political expenditures, your political contributions and donations, puts them into a database, and makes that available to your potential employers, creditors, and even just your nosy neighbors.

    Scott Barton, Director of Online Education at IHS, says the goal is to educate people on the tactics and principles for achieving — and thriving in — a free and prosperous society.

    “In total, Learn Liberty’s 190 videos have been viewed over 9.3 million times. Each video features a university professor discussing contemporary issues and foundational concepts drawn from several academic disciplines,” Barton says.

    Smith, former Chair of the Federal Election Commission and current Professor of law at Capital University, is one of the foremost experts on the increasingly polarizing issues of campaign finance and money in politics, and his video series will focus on these topics as the 2012 election nears. The first is entitled “Should the Government Track Your Political Activity?” and can be viewed at both the CCP Youtube page and the LearnLiberty Youtube page. Other titles include “Is Money Speech?”, “Money in Politics”,  and “4 Myths About Super PACs”.

    The videos will be rolled out over the next several months.

    Sarah Lee

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