On Friday the White House nominated Lee Goodman, a well-respected election lawyer from Virginia, and Ann Ravel, Chair of the California Fair Political Practices Commission, to the FEC. Mr. Goodman will, if confirmed, replace Commissioner Don McGahn. Ms. Ravel will fill the empty seat held by Cynthia Bauerly until her resignation earlier this year.
CCP Chairman and former FEC Chairman Bradley Smith released this brief statement:
The job of FEC Commissioner is typically a thankless one, especially for one who doesn’t toe the line of so-called “reformers,” who openly long for the suppression of political speech under the guise of preventing corruption. The Center thanks Commissioner McGahn for his work as a champion of First Amendment rights on the Commission.
Commissioner McGahn – much to the dismay of these self-styled “reformers” – insisted on following the law and the Constitution, not treating the FEC as a roving, unbounded, political police force. Commissioner McGahn followed the law, exercising his power with appropriate restraint and care. He worked to preserve the rights of speakers with whom he disagreed as much as those with whom he agreed, and to enforce the law fairly. We look forward to working with Mr. Goodman and Ms. Ravel and hope that, if confirmed, they will exercise their power with similar moderation and respect for the rights of American citizens to participate in political debate.”