Hearing: IRS Abuses: Ensuring that Targeting Never Happens Again (Event)

July 29, 2014   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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On July 30th, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is holding a hearing titled, “IRS Abuses: Ensuring that Targeting Never Happens Again.”  The hearing, which will look into the ways reforms will help prevent future IRS targeting of people and organizations based on their political beliefs, features Center for Competitive Politics President David Keating, super-lawyer Cleta Mitchell, as well as the Heritage Foundation’s James Sherk and Hans A. von Spakovsky.

The hearing begins at 9:30 AM in room 2154 of the Rayburn House Office Building.

For more information on the IRS targeting scandal and the Service’s response, check out CCP’s resource page (available here).

Joe Trotter

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