CCP President David Keating: “Mere suspicion is not actual evidence – it’s the stuff of a conspiracy theorists and hysterics.”
Alexandria, VA – The Center for Competitive Politics (CCP) today released the following statement today in response to a report by Public Citizen claiming rampant coordination between Super PACs and the candidates they support:
“Public Citizen’s report shows no actual evidence of any coordination between Super PACs and the candidates they support,” said Center for Competitive Politics President David Keating. “Why is it surprising that the friend of a candidate would start a Super PAC to support that candidate? Mere suspicion is not actual evidence – it’s the stuff of conspiracy theorists and hysterics. Fortunately, even silly claims in reports like this one are protected by the First Amendment, which also allows citizens to criticize or praise politicians through political speech. That’s a good thing and the more it occurs the stronger our Democracy becomes.”
“Super PACs make campaigns more competitive, provide more information to voters and allow groups to criticize politicians. Public Citizen wants to outlaw these groups and their speech, and that’s just plain wrong,” added Keating.