IFS Analyzes First Amendment Records of Potential Supreme Court Nominees

September 22, 2020   •  By IFS Staff   •  
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Washington, DC – The Institute for Free Speech published the first in a series of analyses today reviewing the First Amendment records of President Trump’s likely nominees to the Supreme Court to fill the vacancy created by the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The Institute’s research focuses on the four First Amendment rights associated with political expression: speech, press, assembly, and petition.

“The Supreme Court is essential to the protection of political speech rights. We intend to provide a thorough analysis of the potential nominees’ records in this crucial area of law,” said Institute for Free Speech President David Keating.

The Institute’s first analysis examines the record of Judge Barbara Lagoa of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. Judge Lagoa has fourteen years of experience on state and federal courts of appeal but has ruled on few First Amendment-related cases. This analysis reviews three rulings.

The Institute plans to publish additional information on the records of other potential nominees throughout the week. The analyses will be available on the Institute’s website as soon as they are completed.

To read the report on Judge Lagoa, click here. To read more about our research, click here.

About the Institute for Free Speech

The Institute for Free Speech is a nonpartisan, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that promotes and defends the First Amendment rights to freely speak, assemble, publish, and petition the government. Originally known as the Center for Competitive Politics, it was founded in 2005 by Bradley A. Smith, a former Chairman of the Federal Election Commission. The Institute is the nation’s largest organization dedicated solely to protecting First Amendment political rights.


IFS Staff

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