Daily Media Links 6/18: How Government Stifles Grassroots Political Advocacy, Supreme Court Considering Case That Defies Citizens United Ruling, and more…

June 18, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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In the News

National Review: How Government Stifles Grassroots Political Advocacy
By Bradley A. Smith
Earlier today Senator McConnell gave a major address at the American Enterprise Institute,  criticizing efforts,  both formal and informal,  to silence political speakers. Senator McConnell’s welcome speech was aimed at countering the post–Citizens United effort of some on the left,  including some in the administration,  to bully or intimidate those with opposing points of view.

US News: Supreme Court Considering Case That Defies Citizens United Ruling
By Seth Cline
The U.S. Supreme Court started reflecting Friday on its controversial Citizens United campaign finance ruling for the first time since the decision changed American politics in 2010.


Conn. Governor Malloy Standing Strong
By Allen Dickerson
Today,  Governor Dannel P. Malloy (D-Conn.) vetoed a substantial expansion of Connecticut’s campaign finance laws,  citing the bill’s constitutional infirmity. The Center for Competitive Politics supports Governor Malloy’s decision,  and salutes his courageous decision to block a popular but poorly-conceived legislative effort.

Independent groups

Politico: Fighting for the First Amendment
One thing that has always distinguished America is the enthusiasm with which its citizens have organized around issues they believe in. Alexis de Tocqueville observed this more than 175 years ago,  “In no country in the world, ” De Tocqueville wrote,  “has the principle of association been more successfully used or applied to a greater multitude of objects than in America.”

Politico: Bain Capital objects to Priorities USA ad
By Alexander Burns
Mitt Romney’s former private equity firm is taking issue with a TV ad the pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA Action is airing in New Hampshire,  arguing that it presents a “distorted” view of the company’s record.

Washington Post: Post-Watergate campaign finance limits undercut by changes
By Dan Eggen
The money poured into Richard M. Nixon’s reelection campaign from all corners: Six-figure checks flown by corporate jet from Texas; bundles of payments handed over at an Illinois game preserve; a battered brown attaché case stuffed with $200, 000 in cash from a New Jersey investor hoping to fend off a fraud investigation.

Washington Post: The super PAC election? Not quite
By Aaron Blake
To read the news coverage of late,  you could be forgiven for thinking that we’re headed into a campaign in which super PACs will determine the winner. Ten million dollars from Sheldon Adelson here,  $1 million from Bill Maher there,  and it’s easy to conclude that these new organizations will have the biggest say in the identity of the next president and control of Congress.

Associated Press: John McCain: Mitt Romney Super PAC And Others Receiving Foreign Cash
Sen. John McCain said in an interview posted online Friday that “foreign money” was helping fellow Republican Mitt Romney’s presidential hopes and singled out one of his ally’s most generous supporters.


LA Times: Montana — big sky,  clean politics
By Steve Bullock
It’s too bad American electoral races aren’t as transparent as NASCAR races. Tattooed across NASCAR drivers’ jumpsuits and over every square inch of their cars are the logos of the companies sponsoring the teams,  underwriting the costs,  paying their salaries. Everyone can see who the drivers represent and who is footing the bill.


The Hill: McConnell: Obama attempting ‘Nixonian’ intimidation of conservative donors
By Justin Sink
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Thursday blasted the Obama campaign for its criticism of conservative donors,  arguing “you’d have to go back to Richard Nixon to find the last time you had a group of people both through the campaign and through the power of the federal government really trying to harass and silence critics.”

Politico: Mitch McConnell defends Koch brothers
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell on Friday blasted President Barack Obama for joining in liberal attacks against conservative billionaires Charles and David Koch.

NY Times: McConnell Accuses Obama and Aides of Schemes to Curtail Free Speech
Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky on Friday accused President Obama,  his campaign and his administration of engaging in Nixonian dirty tricks,  including keeping an enemies list,  inciting “mob” attacks on its critics and leaking confidential tax information,  in a concerted effort to curtail the free speech of his opponents.

Candidates and parties

Politico: Losing faith on campaign finance
By Dave Levinthal
Barack Obama has long cast himself as a warrior against the influence of big money in politics.

TPM Muckraker: McCain: Adelson Bringing ‘Foreign Money’ Into U.S. Campaign
By Eric Lach
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) told PBS’ News Hour that billionaire conservative casino mogul Sheldon Adelson’s big donations are introducing “foreign money” into the presidential race.

National Journal: Crossroads Mocks Obama’s Speech,  ‘Peanuts’ Style
By Jonathan Miller
A new web video from American Crossroads,  the Republican Super PAC founded by Karl Rove,  mocks President Obama’s economic speech on Thursday using “wah-wah” sound effects reminiscent of Peanuts cartoons.


Virginia –– Associated Press: Independent ad attacks Kaine as Obama aide
A conservative group has begun a two-week run of ads across Virginia accusing Democratic Senate candidate Tim Kaine of selling out Virginia to advance President Obama’s priorities in Washington.

Joe Trotter

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