Daily Media Links 7/12: Materiality and corporate political disclosure, Obama super PAC: Bashing Bain works, and more…

July 12, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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Materiality and corporate political disclosure 
By Allen Dickerson
Alison Frankel yesterday discussed shareholder activism in an interesting blog post on Thomson Reuters. She references my concerns about the relationship between materiality and corporate political disclosure. For the interested,  I’d like to expand on the concept.
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Independent groups

Washington Post: Obama super PAC: Bashing Bain works 
By Rachel Weiner 
Some Democrats may not like it, but Obama’s allies argue that aggressive attacks on former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney’s record at Bain Capital are working. 
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Huffington Post: Romney Targeted By Priorities USA Action And SEIU In New Spanish-Language Ads
By Sabrina Siddiqui
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is “a person without feelings” who doesn’t care about the Hispanic or Latino population, according to a new set of television and radio ads released by pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA Action and labor group Service Employees International Union (SEIU) on Wednesday.  
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Washington Examiner: Correcting misconstructions
By C. Boyden Gray
It has become conventional media wisdom that the recent Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare was necessary to protect the court from yet another politicized, partisan 5-4 decision on top of George W. Bush v. Al Gore and Citizens United. Yet that characterization of those two decisions is a media misconstruction that must be corrected, as should the growing consensus that the insurance mandate is a “tax” only for constitutional analysis but otherwise a penalty for all legislative and political purposes.  
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Politico: Obama super PAC poll: Anti-Romney offensive moves swing states 
By Alexander Burns
Voters in five 2012 swing states have moved noticeably away from Mitt Romney since the Obama super PAC began attacking his business background on the air, according to polling conducted for the group Priorities USA Action.  
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Pro Publica: Broadcasters Make Emergency Motion to Block Transparency Rule 
By Justin Elliott
The National Association of Broadcasters, an industry group representing television stations around the country, is asking a court to block the implementation of a new rule that will put political ad information online before it goes into effect next month.  

Candidates and parties

Politico: GOP unnerved by Democrats’ candid camera techniques 
That ratcheting up of the video surveillance game is unnerving Republicans who insist that even by political standards, it’s a gross invasion of privacy. Worse, they say, it creates a safety risk for members of Congress and their families at a time when they are already on edge after a deranged gunman shot former Arizona Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords 18 months ago.   


Roll Call: FEC Gridlock No Help to Obama Campaign  
By Justin Worland 
But, as in many policy areas, Obama’s big plans for campaign finance reforms never quite panned out. Despite repeated pleas to Obama from watchdog groups to strengthen or even appoint new commissioners to the Federal Election Commission, the president had other priorities. Now Obama, swamped by unrestricted spending on behalf of his GOP opponent, has asked the FEC for help. But some reform advocates say it’s too little, too late. 

Joe Trotter

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