Daily Media Links 7/31: Obama camp facing cash crisis, Candidates Look Overseas for Campaign Cash, and more…

July 31, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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In the News

Washington Free Beacon: Distinction with no Difference 
By CJ Ciaramella
“The rules cover a lot more than that,” Keating said. “You can’t have people who work for the campaign come over to a Super PAC. You can’t have the internal plans or strategies of the campaign you’re trying to help, etc.”  
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“Cash and Carry Larry” finally cashes out 
By Jason Farrell
New York City Councilman Larry Seabrook, whose adventures in brazen corruption were chronicled in our report “Clean Elections and Scandal: Case Studies from Maine, Arizona and New York City”, was convicted yesterday on nine counts of funneling public money to shady non-profits run by his family members, doctoring receipts, accepting kickbacks for public contracts and laundering money, according to the New York Post.  
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Independent groups

Politico: How corporate PACs deal with bad PR 
By Dave Levinthal
When it comes to campaign donations, corporations that suddenly find themselves crosswise with Congress know the playbook.
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CBS News: Super PACs: $125 million spent — and counting 
By Phil Hirschkorn
With less than 100 days to go in the presidential race, nine single-candidate “super” PACs — political action committees that can raise and spend unlimited sums on political expression – have spent $125 million advocating and advertising for their preferred candidate, a CBS News analysis of Federal Election Commission reports shows.
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Salon: Free speech and donations
By Glenn Greenwald
As I noted the other day when writing about the Chick-fil-A controversy, I was happy to see that almost every liberal commentator condemned the actions by city officials in Boston and Chicago to punish that business due to the distasteful views on homosexuality expressed by its President (see, for instance, Mother Jones‘ Kevin Drum and Adam Serwer, The American Prospect‘s Scott Lemieux, Digby, The Nation‘s Richard Kim, John Cole, Amanda Marcotte, and Atrios). Today, though, The Nation‘s Lee Fang became the first progressive writer I know of to defend these state actions against the restaurant chain. Ignoring all those commentators, Fang singles out me and Adam Serwer and says that we are “leading the contrarian charge” (given how isolated Fang is among liberals on this question — to say nothing of the ACLU, which denounced the constitutional violations here as “clear cut” — Fang has a very strange understanding of what “contrarian” means).  


Huffington Post: What Super PAC Donors Really Want Is A Return On Their Investment 
By Paul Blumenthal and Howard Fineman
When asked why, they prefer to offer lofty motives. The billionaire Koch brothers speak about libertarianism and the need to save free enterprise. Casino magnate Adelson talks in equally apocalyptic terms about preserving the security and Jewish identity of Israel. Institutions such as the AFL-CIO and the National Education Association tend to stress liberal agenda items such as expanded health care and progressive taxation. 

Candidates and parties

WSJ: Four Little Words 
By Kim Strassel
What’s the difference between a calm and cool Barack Obama, and a rattled and worried Barack Obama? Four words, it turns out.  
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The Hill: Obama campaign hits Romney for foreign policy ‘fumbles’ 
By Justin Sink
“He’s now been to two countries and he’s had two countries where he has made a series of fumbles,” deputy campaign press secretary Jen Psaki said Monday during a meeting with reporters as the president flew to New York for a fundraiser.   
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Associated Press: Candidates Look Overseas for Campaign Cash 
In the hunt for campaign money, no distance is too far to travel, especially when the race between President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney is tight and likely to stay that way into the fall.
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The Hill: Obama camp facing cash crisis 
By Juan Williams 
On a recent conference call with potential donors, President Obama said: “If things continue as they have so far, I’ll be the first sitting president in modern history to be outspent in his reelection campaign.”  

Joe Trotter

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