Daily Media Links 10/12: Unions struggle to help President Obama, Big Bird joins list of unwitting – and unwilling – campaign props, and more…

October 12, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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Independent groups

Politico: Unions struggle to help President Obama 
Organized labor is playing “Moneyball” this fall, and President Barack Obama isn’t winning.   
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The Hill: Big Bird joins list of unwitting – and unwilling – campaign props 
By Mike Lillis
“Sesame Street’s” objection to the use of Big Bird as a political prop has churned plenty of headlines over the last week, but it’s hardly the first time this year a prominent name has protested an unwitting campaign appearance. 
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The Hill: AFL-CIO ramps up direct mail campaign 
By Kevin Bogardus
The AFL-CIO and its super-PAC, Workers’ Voice, have launched a new round of direct mail and worksite leafleting in dozens of down-ballot races across the country.  
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TPM Muckraker: The Obama Mega Donor Who Got Lost In The Crowd 
By Eric Lach
And yet, in the super PAC era, even a publicly disclosed seven-figure donor is able to get lost in the crowd. Ahmed provides perhaps the best example of how much can remain unknown about the individuals having the biggest financial impact on the political process. Even after embarking on a political spending spree, his public profile has remained virtually nonexistent.  

Candidates and parties

Daily Caller: New O’Keefe video: Obama campaign staffer caught helping activist vote twice
By Matthew Boyle
Videographer James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas caught an official for President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign helping who she thought was an Obama supporter set herself up to vote more than once in November.    
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Wall Street Journal: Surge Earns Romney Room on the Right 
Mitt Romney would likely have raised eyebrows, if not protest, had he said during the Republican primaries that “no legislation with regards to abortion” would be part of his agenda, that federal regulation is “essential” or that young illegal immigrants should be able to keep work permits granted by President Barack Obama.  
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LA Times: Stakes high as Ryan, Biden square off in vice presidential debate
By Michael Finnegan
With polls showing a spike in support for Mitt Romney over the last week, the stakes are high for Vice President Joe Biden in Thursday night’s debate against Rep. Paul D. Ryan.  

Wall Street Journal: Romney’s Ad Buy Tops President’s 
For the first week of this election season, Mitt Romney is outspending President Barack Obama on television ads, with the Republican challenger dipping into a war chest amassed from an aggressive fundraising schedule.  

The Hill: GOP chairman calls on Holder to probe Obama campaign donations 
By Justin Sink
Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder on Thursday demanding an investigation into online campaign contributions to the president’s reelection campaign.  

Politico: Obama’s bird-brained attack 
By Rich Lowry
The problem with the widely panned spot is that it plays less like a spoof of Mitt Romney than a parody of one of the Obama team’s own negative ads. It’s just as dishonest, over the top and — for lack of a better word — stupid.   

Washington Post: In a super PAC world, Democrats win using small donors 
By Aaron Blake
President Obama isn’t the only Democrat leaning heavily on small-dollar donors these days. 

The Hill: Obama’s campaign manager: ‘This thing is far from over’ 
By Justin Sink
Obama campaign manager Jim Messina confidently predicted in a conference call with reporters, “the ground game we’ve built up over the past few years will help us drive hard right through that finish line.”  

Joe Trotter

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