Daily Media Links 10/16: Law firms’ revolving door turns faster as election draws near, Lobbyists ready for a comeback under Romney, and more…

October 16, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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In the News

CUNY Forum: Latest edition: Elections & Campaign Finance in 2012: Citizens vs. Goliath?  
Moderator Bob Liff and a panel of experts debate campaign finance reform and its impact on the 2012 Elections in Washington and New York. What’s the prospect for popular democracy in an era of Super Pacs and unlimited campaign $$$?  

Independent groups

Bloomberg: Secret Political Cash Moves Through Nonprofit Daisy Chain 
By Alison Fitzgerald and Jonathan D. Salant
Sean Noble, a former congressional aide, had an account ready when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2010 that corporations could join wealthy donors and spend freely in federal elections. In less than a year, he had $62 million at his disposal.  
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Washington Post: Industry trade groups investing big in positive political messages 
By TW Farnam
In an election dominated by negative advertising, one group of big spenders is determined to stay positive. Industry trade associations, from dentists to credit unions, are pumping money into races and spending it overwhelmingly on feel-good messages.  
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Politico: The IRS’s ‘feeble’ grip on big political cash   
Surely, the IRS is hopping mad and has a team of auditors trying to get to the bottom of this massive discrepancy.
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Washington Post: Vendors finesse law barring ‘coordination’ by campaigns, independent groups 
By TW Farnam
But it’s perfectly legal for them to hire the same company to run Internet ads. That company uses some of the same employees to represent the two clients, and the same databases to store information on people it will target with ads.  
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Wichita Eagle: Koch relentless in pursuing his goals 
“We get a lot of death threats,” said Charles Koch, 76. “We get threats to fire-bomb our facilities. We get attacks by ‘Anonymous,’ trying to break in, destroy our communications, computer systems – cyberattacks.”  David Koch, 72, who lives in New York, told his three children, ages 6 to 14, that their bodyguards are like nannies, hired to help the family.   

Candidates and parties

Politico: Biden to offer post-debate spin on Wednesday 
By Jennifer Epstein
Vice President Joe Biden will make the early-morning rounds on Wednesday to talk about President Obama’s debate performance.  

NY Times: Wall Street’s Fund-Raising Push for Romney 
The Wall Street supporters of Republican candidate Mitt Romney are making a last fund-raising push as the election heads into its final three weeks.  

Lobbying and ethics

Wall Street Journal: Jackson Is Subject of Criminal Probe 
Federal prosecutors and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are in the final stages of a criminal probe into allegations that Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. misused campaign money to decorate his house, according to people familiar with the matter.

Politico: Lobbyists ready for a comeback under Romney 
By Anna Palmer
President Barack Obama’s gone further than any president to keep lobbyists out of the White House — even signing executive orders to do it.   

Washington Post: Law firms’ revolving door turns faster as election draws near 
By Catherine Ho
As the presidential campaign season enters its final weeks, the race among Washington’s elite law firms to recruit top talent from federal agencies, the White House and congressional staff is heating up.  

Joe Trotter

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