Daily Media Links 1/30: Some ethics bills advance, while calls arise for more, Looking for Organizing for Action website? You’ve reached the NRA, and more…

January 30, 2013   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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In the News
Washington Free Beacon: A Chilling Effect 
By Lachlan Mrkay
Sarah Lee, the communications director of the Center for Competitive Politics, claims the lawsuit was filed “with the intent of pressuring the company into withdrawing support from trade groups that fight liberal political initiatives.”  
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Which OFA is it? 
By Sarah Lee
Please forgive us the levity, but sometimes things just strike us as funny here at CCP. This piece from Red State is one of those times. Apparently, the famed Obama tech wizards couldn’t get themselves together enough to purchase the eponymous domain name for the new progressive 501(c)(4) lobbying organization Organizing for Action:  
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Independent Groups
TPM: Professor Starts Pro-Hillary Clinton Super PAC For 2016  
By Tom Kludt
A professor at George Washington University has spearheaded a super PAC to back a 2016 presidential campaign for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Center for Public Integrity reported Monday.   
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Huffington Post: House Majority PAC Video Features House Democrats Singing Its Praises 
By Paul Blumenthal
WASHINGTON — In another sign of the close ties between super PACs and elected officials, seven newly minted Democratic House members appear in a promotional video for a super PAC that helped them win election in 2012.  
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LA Times: Looking for Organizing for Action website? You’ve reached the NRA 
By Matea Gold
Bovard jumped on the computer and snapped up the domain name Organizingforaction.net. He then proceeded to configure the site so all hits are directed to the website for the National Rifle Assn. – the very group that Obama is facing off against in his efforts to toughen gun laws.  
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State and Local
Arizona –– Arizona Republic: Campaign finance violations targeted 
By Yvonne Wingett Sanchez
Political candidates who knowingly violate certain campaign-finance laws would face tougher penalties under a proposal by a state lawmaker to make such offenses felony crimes instead of civil offenses.  
Georgia –– Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Lobbyist gifts decline amid citizen outcry 
By Chris Joyner
That kind of public pressure, coupled with widespread media scrutiny of lobbying at the Capitol, appears to have chilled some lobbying activity even without a change in the law: In 2012, lobbyists reported spending 24 percent less on meals, sports tickets and other gifts to public officials — the first time in five years that spending has dropped. 
Louisiana –– AP: Super PAC Could Help Vitter in Gubernatorial Bid
By Melinda Deslatte
BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) – A Washington fundraising heavyweight is helping to set up federal and state super PACs to support U.S. Sen. David Vitter, a move that heightens speculation that Vitter is eyeing a bid to run for governor. 
Pennsylvania –– CBS: City Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown Fined For Ethics Violations 
By Mike Dunn
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — Philadelphia’s Board of Ethics has slapped a longtime member of City Council with more than $20,000 in fines, for campaign finance and ethics violations.  
South Carolina –– ABC: Panel Recommends SC Ethics Overhaul 
COLUMBIA, S.C. (WOLO) — The South Carolina Commission on Ethics Reform, an independent eleven-member panel co-chaired by former South Carolina Attorneys General Henry McMaster, a republican, and Travis Medlock, a democrat, delivered its final report and recommendations for strengthening state ethics, election, campaign finance and public records laws.  
Utah –– Salt Lake Tribune: Some ethics bills advance, while calls arise for more
By Lee Davidson
Amid yet more calls for ethics reform amid a scandal involving new Attorney General John Swallow, lawmakers took some first steps Monday to advance bills designed to prevent election shenanigans.  The House Government Operations Committee endorsed three such bills and sent them to the full House.

Joe Trotter

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