Daily Media Links 1/31: Democrats Echo Republicans In Calling For Campaign Finance Reform, On Campaign Finance Reform, Senate Republicans Stand in Gov. Cuomo’s Way, and more…

January 31, 2013   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
Default Article
Dickerson on Cato Podcast Discusses Disclosure and the SEC 
By Sarah Lee
CCP Legal Director Allen Dickerson took part in yesterday’s daily Cato podcast, where he discussed the recent trend of placing campaign donation disclosure issues on the desks of regulators at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), rather than the traditional Federal Election Commission (FEC). 
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Independent Groups
Huffington Post: A Challenge to President Obama’s New 501(c)(4) Group 
By Fred Wertheimer
What does the president expect the American people to think when he attacked the Citizens United decision as “a major victory for big oil,” and then accepts $250,000 from ExxonMobil, the biggest of “big oil,” to help pay for his second inauguration?  
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The Hill: Unions, Hollywood open to bankrolling Obama’s advocacy arm 
By Kevin Bogardus   
Labor unions and Hollywood donors are open to bankrolling Organizing for Action, the outside group that has been formed in support of President Obama’s second-term agenda.   
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Politico: Dems thank super PAC for help beating ‘Darth Vader’  
By Tarini Parti
Seven Democratic freshmen members of Congress taped a web video recently thanking a liberal super PAC for helping them win their seats and defeating “Darth Vader” Karl Rove.  
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National Journal: Outside Groups Displacing Party Committees in Some Races 
By Scott Bland
When elected officials deign to mention outside groups, it’s usually to decry a smear or lament that campaign messaging has been taken out of their hands. But Tuesday, a handful of newly elected House Democrats looked straight into a camera to sing praises for one super PAC. 
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Candidates, Politicians and Parties

NY Times: No Pay? Little Sacrifice for Many in Congress 
But behind the “no budget, no pay” proposal, which the House passed last week when it voted to temporarily extend the debt limit, is also a basic reality: many of those who support the concept are so wealthy that their Congressional paychecks represent little more than a rounding error.  


Roll Call: FEC Increases Contribution Limits for 2014  
By Kyle Trygstad
Individual donors can now contribute up to $2,600 to a candidate in both the primary and general elections — $5,200 total — and $32,400 per calendar year to national party committees. The total amount of federal contributions that an individual can give during a two-year cycle also increased to $123,200, including $48,600 to candidates and $74,600 to parties and political action committees.  
State and Local
Montana –– Helena Independent Record: First bills on campaign finance, to raise contribution limits, draw plenty of fire 
By Mike Dennison
A pair of bills that would increase, or eliminate, Montana’s limits on campaign contributions drew plenty of fire Tuesday, as public-interest groups said it would “open the floodgates” to more money from deep-pocketed interests.  
New York –– Huffington Post: On Campaign Finance Reform, Senate Republicans Stand in Gov. Cuomo’s Way 
By John Petro
Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos repeated his opposition to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s proposals for campaign finance reform last week, setting up another battle between the Governor and state Republicans.  
Rhode Island –– AP: RI Rep: ban lobbyist contributions during session 
State Rep. John Lombardi announced his legislative proposal Tuesday. It would seek to prevent lobbyists from making donations to political campaign funds from Jan. 1 to July 1, typically the time lawmakers are in session.  
Vermont –– VPR: Democrats Echo Republicans In Calling For Campaign Finance Reform 
By Kirk Carapezza
Democrats in Vermont today echoed their Republican counterparts in calling for campaign finance reform to increase transparency. The proposals follow a campaign season that saw hundreds of thousands of dollars spent in both primary and general elections. 

Joe Trotter

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