Daily Media Links 4/2: The Hill: Democrats back rhetoric with cash in fight against Koch brothers, NY Post: Soros’ son pushed Cuomo, legislature into campaign funding, Heritage: IRS Targeting: Is the Obama Administration Conducting a Serious Investigation, and more…

April 2, 2014   •  By Kelsey Drapkin   •  
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Report on FCC Process Reform, GN Docket No. 14-25
Allen Dickerson & Anne Marie Mackin
CCP writes, however, to express concern about Report Recommendation 5.44, “Transparency as to Real Party in Interest,” which recommends that “the Commission adopt rules as proposed in the 2011 FNPRM.” That document stated that “although some interested parties may be knowledgeable about the identities of the ‘parties behind the parties’ supporting or opposing their positions [in docketed proceedings], other parties and the general public may not be equally knowledgeable,” and concluded that “it would serve the public interest to have a disclosure requirement that addresses this problem.”
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Independent Groups

The Hill: Democrats back rhetoric with cash in fight against Koch brothers

By Alexander Jaffe
Over the past two weeks, a trio of green groups — the Sierra Club, the Environmental Defense Fund and the American Sustainable Business Council Action Fund — has launched a $5 million offensive effort in three competitive Senate races. In addition to their spending, Senate Majority PAC, the primary Democratic outside group looking to protect the upper chamber, has announced a $3 million campaign across five states. 
NY Post: Soros’ son pushed Cuomo, legislature into campaign funding
By Fredric U. Dicker
The activist son of leftist billionaire George Soros nearly derailed an on-time state budget as he threatened to launch multimillion-dollar TV campaigns against Gov. Cuomo and legislative leaders unless they approved a sweeping system of publicly financed campaigns, The Post has learned.
Jonathan Soros, who has already spent millions on campaign contributions and television advertising in an ironic campaign to “get private money out of politics,’’ warned Cuomo and the Senate’s co-leaders, Republican Dean Skelos (Nassau) and Democrat Jeff Klein (Bronx), Friday in direct conversations that he would launch election-year attacks against them, and encouraged others to do the same, if the pols didn’t include a system of publicly funded campaigns in the new state budget, a source close to the budget negotiations said.

Heritage: IRS Targeting: Is the Obama Administration Conducting a Serious Investigation

By Hans A. von Spakovsky
The Justice Department and the FBI could also have generally described to the Committee how long they expect the investigation to take, what progress has been made to date, and when they expect to complete their preliminary and final review.  None of this information would compromise the integrity and confidentiality of the investigation.
Yet lawyers representing dozens of the targeted conservative groups have recently testified before this Committee and have said that their clients have not been contacted or interviewed by any FBI agents. 
I find that simply incredible – that nine months after the Attorney General announced he was opening an investigation, neither the FBI nor the Justice Department has conducted basic interviews with the victims to gather information about their dealings with the IRS officials and employees who may have been involved in wrongdoing.

Tech Times: Mozilla employees demand CEO Brendan Eich’s resignation over Prop 8 support: Here’s why he should stay
It wasn’t long ago that Brendan Eich took up the position as CEO at Mozilla, and now he’s in a position where he could lose his job if the employees get what they want. Back in April of 2012, it was reported that Eich donated $1,000 to Proposition 8, a California ballot that was designed to block same sex marriages in 2008. 
As it stands, Eich actions have returned to haunt him in a way where he could lose his job and might never get the chance to work in the technology industry again.
WFB: New Ad Hits Reid’s Ties to ‘Steyer Brothers’
A conservative group put out a new ad on Monday that ties Democrats to billionaire former hedge fund manager Tom Steyer, casting him as the Democratic equivalent to libertarian industrialists Charles and David Koch.
“Steyer has a history of environmentally destructive business ventures,” the ad notes, highlighting Washington Free Beacon reporting on Steyer, who has pledged to raise $100 million to elect Democrats this year.

Open Secrets: FEC Will Examine Allegations Against Ron Paul Campaign

By Russ Choma
The Federal Election Commission is the latest agency to be looking into allegations that the 2012 Ron Paul campaign attempted to bribe an Iowa state senator and that numerous top officials of the campaign, including several now involved with the campaigns of Kentucky Republican Sens. Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell, knew of the attempt. 
State and Local

District of Columbia –– WSJ: Embattled Washington, D.C. Mayor Vincent Grey Concedes Primary
WASHINGTON—Washington Mayor Vincent Gray, contending with a federal campaign-finance investigation, lost his bid for a second term Tuesday as the city’s Democratic voters selected a nominee for mayor.  
Mr. Gray lost to City Councilwoman Muriel Bowser, who has represented a mostly middle- and upper-income ward since 2007.  
New York –– NY Times: Capitol Corruption Panel’s Demise Angers Watchdogs
With little fanfare and no advance notice, and at the tail end of a 44-minute teleconference with reporters explaining the state’s new budget deal, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said on Saturday that he intended to dismantle the Commission to Investigate Public Corruption. The commission was formed last July, stocked with “the best minds in law enforcement” and given a broad mandate to restore public trust in government.  

Kelsey Drapkin

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