Daily Media Links 8/13: Under Oath: IRS officials detail Lerner computer crash in declarations to court, Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Might Be Why Americans Hate Congress, and more…

August 13, 2014   •  By Joe Trotter   •  
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Fox: Under Oath: IRS officials detail Lerner computer crash in declarations to court
In the declarations, agency technology officials insisted they did everything they could to fix and recover data from the hard drive of Lerner, who is a central figure in the investigation into the agency’s targeting of conservative groups. However, they said their efforts were fruitless, and some of Lerner’s emails were lost. 
The IRS submitted the declarations to comply with an order from U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, which said Monday the agency’s explanations were inadequate.  
 “This latest IRS filing seems to treat as a joke Judge Sullivan’s order requiring the IRS to produce details about Lois Lerner’s ‘lost’ emails, and any efforts to retrieve and produce them to Judicial Watch as required under law,” the statement said. “Frankly, it seems the cover-up continues.”
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Independent Groups/Media
Roll Call: Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Might Be Why Americans Hate Congress
By Stuart Rothenberg
The average voter isn’t watching Congress closely enough to know how productive it is or how and why members make the decisions they do, but voters seem to have strong opinions about the legislative branch of government. Where do you think voters get their views about Congress’ productivity? How do they understand how members of Congress make decisions on legislation?
I have met the enemy and it is us.
Journalists and talking heads tell voters over and over that Congress is inept, even corrupt, and when we ask them what they think about Congress, they call Congress inept and even corrupt. And then we report back that Americans think Congress is inept and even corrupt. It’s a never-ending feedback loop that reinforces the conventional wisdom.
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Corporate Governance 

Acton Institute: Wanted: Code of Shareholder Ethics
By Bruce Edward Walker
As I’ve affirmed often on this subject, a company must protect itself, its shareholders and its customers. Shareholders must protect the company and its customers but as well each other. Using one’s proxy shares to submit resolutions detrimental to other shareholders’ best interests simply because you’ve got a political or social agenda bee buzzing in your biretta simply isn’t enough to pass ethical muster. Negatively impacting investment returns for fellow shareholders hardly promotes anything “just and sustainable.”  
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Lobbying and Ethics

Politico: How K Street beat Obama
By Byron Tau
Barack Obama promised to take on Washington’s revolving door culture. 
Washington won.   
A POLITICO review shows that the Obama administration has hired about 70 previously registered corporate, trade association and for-hire lobbyists. And many of these former lobbyists work at the highest levels of government.   
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State and Local

California –– Fresno Bee: California campaign finance measure booted off ballot
The California Supreme Court on Monday effectively blocked a November advisory ballot measure on the merits of unlimited independent campaign spending, dashing some Democrats’ hopes that the measure would boost voter turnout in what could be an otherwise staid election.
Approved by the Legislature early last month and grudgingly allowed to go on the ballot by Gov. Jerry Brown, Proposition 49 would have asked California voters if Congress should overturn the U.S. Supreme Court’s controversial Citizens United ruling in 2010. The legislation’s passage followed Capitol protests that triggered dozens of arrests.
But in siding with the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, a 5-1 high court majority said it needs more time to consider whether the advisory measure can be placed on a California ballot.
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Maine –– Sun Journal: Federal judge hears arguments on Maine campaign finance donation limits for independents
By Scott Thistle
PORTLAND — A federal judge Tuesday heard arguments from the state and from an attorney representing supporters of independent candidate for governor Eliot Cutler over a complaint Maine’s campaign finance laws are unconstitutional in the way they limit the amount of money supporters of independent candidates can donate to campaigns.  
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Montana –– KPAX: GOP complaint spreads to 42 candidates
By Sanjay Talwani
The State GOP accused Democrat Stephen Hoklin of Billings of failing to file a required finance report after winning his legislative primary.  
But, further investigation by the office of the Commissioner of Political Practices turned up 15 other legislative candidates and another 26 local candidates – Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians and Independent – who also didn’t file.  
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New York –– AP: Ex Queens politician convicted of obstruction
NEW YORK (AP) – A former Queens Democratic district leader and City Council candidate has been convicted of federal charges.
U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara says Albert Baldeo was convicted Monday on seven counts of obstruction of justice.
He was acquitted of three fraud-related counts related to claims for city matching funds which were never awarded.
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Joe Trotter

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