CCP: Increased Campaign Freedom Leads To More Choices In GOP Presidential Primary

July 15, 2015   •  By Scott Blackburn
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Alexandria, VA – The Center for Competitive Politics (CCP), America’s largest non-profit dedicated to protecting political free speech rights, commented today on the fact that the Republican Presidential primary ballot will likely be the most crowded in history, with 17 candidates running. The second-largest year was half this total – 1996 averaged 8.1 candidates on the ballot and 2012 averaged 7.25 candidates.

“Debate sponsors are literally running out of room on stage to fit all of the viable candidates for President, and that’s a good problem to have,” said David Keating, CCP President. “Recent court rulings have made it easier to fund campaigns, and that’s creating more competition. Voters are getting more choices, which in turn means a more robust debate on issues ranging from taxes to foreign policy and everything in between. Bigger fundraising by presidential candidates and Super PACs will lead to better informed voters, which is good for democracy and good for America.”

Scott Blackburn

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