The Center for Competitive Politics is pleased to welcome Brennan Mancil as our newest Research Associate.
Prior to joining CCP, Brennan wrote for The Arch Conservative, a campus journal of political opinion at the University of Georgia. He is active in Georgia politics and is a former member of the GAGOP Executive Board. Brennan is pursuing degrees in Political Science and International Affairs from UGA.
Brennan firmly believes that the ability to spend money on political speech is an integral part of the political process, and restrictions to its usage inhibit political discourse.
“Those who advocate for greater campaign finance regulations lament the effects of political spending, while ignoring both the First Amendment rights of individuals and groups and the necessity of this spending to facilitating citizens’ ability to speak out. Spending on political speech gives citizens the ability to express their opinions, regardless of political affiliation.”
Brennan is pleased to join CCP’s External Relations Department, where he will research the effects of campaign finance regulations on the political process. Brennan will also blog about campaign finance issues on the state and national level.