The wit and wisdom of Bernie Sanders

September 11, 2014   •  By Brad Smith   •  
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Bernie Sanders, the Socialist Senator from Vermont, was very upset today when his proposal to amend the Constitution to remove First Amendment protections from most political speech went down.

Reports a syncophantic Ed O’Keefe at the Washington Post, “Failing to pass the constitutional amendment this week ‘means that the average American has one vote and the Koch Brothers have one vote plus the ability to put tens and tens of thousands of ads on the air. That is not democracy,’ Sanders said.”

Actually, one person/one vote is, pretty much, exactly the definition of democracy.

O’Keefe continues: “Sanders was especially strident in his criticism of the Koch brothers.”

Ah, just so we know that Senator Sanders views the amendment as neutral. It’s not like he’s got it out for anybody’s agenda or anything.

“‘The most important domestic issue facing the country is turning over Citizens United,’ Sanders said.”

Really? It’s not unemployment or the economy? Not a yawning national debt and a budget that seems out of control? Not the threat of terrorism? Not failing schools? Not even global warming or income inequality? (Does the Senator know he has committed apostasy where many of his fans are concerned?) Of course not. After all, before Citizens United – you know, back when the economy was collapsing in 2008 – everything was just great.

“‘It’s a real undermining of American democracy and will undermine every aspect of our lives, because the candidates they support will help the rich and powerful and will ignore the needs of the middle class and working families,’ [Sanders] added later.”

Right, because all those rich guys think alike – Tom Steyer and the Kochs, George Soros and Foster Friess, Penny Pritzker and Sheldon Adelson…. Peas in a pod when it comes to politics.

Oh, Bernie!

Brad Smith

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