“And the three of us have a right to speak together…”

November 5, 2012   •  By Sarah Lee   •  
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The newest Learn Liberty video with CCP founder Brad Smith is up at their site today and this one tackles misconceptions about the oft-maligned Citizens United decision of 2010. Smith destroys the myth that Citizens United magically turned corporations into people. Instead noting that the decision actually seeks to prevent the banning of corporate-produced material that contained even one line of political advocacy. “Corporations are not people. And nobody thinks they are,” Smith notes. “The Supreme Court doesn’t think they are. but corporations have been recognized as persons for purposes of the law for centuries…the idea of a corporation as a person, as a legal concept, is very valuable to us…[And] corporations have all the rights that we as people have when we assemble.”

Watch the video below.

Sarah Lee

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