Campaign Finance Events Friday 11/16

November 15, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter
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There are two events tomorrow in the DC area on campaign finance.  The first event is the GW law review symposium, titled: “Law and Democracy: A Symposium on the Law of Governing Our Democratic Process” (link here), features  CCP founder and Chairman Brad Smith at the 1:45pm panel and former CCP VP of Policy Allison Hayward in its 11am panel.  The event takes place at the Jacob Burns Moot Court Room (Lerner 101) on the GW campus and begins at 9AM.
The second event (link here) is a New America Foundation panel featuring former the LA Times’ Matea Gold, Ellen Miller of the Sunlight Foundation, Jason Reifler of Georgia State University, and Craig Aaron of Free Press.  The event is at the New America Foundation and begins at 9:30am.  If you’re interested in watching but cannot make it, the event is live-streamed at this link.
On a different note, Washington College of Law at AU held an event yesterday on Citizens United (with Mr. Sherman as one of the panelists).  If you missed it, you can find the readings at this link.

Joe Trotter

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