CCP Allison Hayward Op-Ed in NY Post

March 8, 2012   •  By Sarah Lee
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CCP VP for Policy Allison Hayward wrote an op-ed that appeared in last night’s edition of the New York Post. The piece addresses the controversy surrounding New York Comptroller John Liu and the recent arrests for corruption of his office staff. Specifically, Hayward takes issue with public funding for campaigns and how they are crucial in leading to the kind of corruption coming out of New York. From the piece:

New York City’s tax-financed campaign system is called colloquially a “super match” program.Candidates get six dollars from city government for every dollar they raise independently (to a maximum of $1,050 per contributor). Individual private donations are strictly limited. Groups such as Common Cause tout such systems as a foolproof way to produce “clean” elections.

The trouble is, as the recurring headlines in New York show, the city’s matching-funds program — one of the oldest in the country — is apparently fostering crime.



Sarah Lee

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