CCP Welcomes Research Fellow Alex Cordell

June 6, 2017   •  By Matt Nese   •  

The Center for Competitive Politics is excited to welcome Alex Cordell to our External Relations Department as our newest Research Fellow.

Prior to joining the team at CCP, Alex was a Policy Assistant at the Institute to Reduce Spending. She also worked on the election campaigns of Congresswoman Martha McSally and Arizona Governor Doug Ducey. In May 2017, Alex graduated from the University of Arizona with a B.A. in Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and Law (PPEL) and International Relations. During her time at the University of Arizona, Alex was a strong advocate for First Amendment rights and individual liberty.

Upon joining the Center, Alex said that “the freedom of speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment is fundamental to the security of individual liberty and the maintenance of our robust and competitive democracy. Increasingly, political speech rights have come under attack from both sides of the aisle, but it is imperative that all forms of speech are protected – especially those that allow individuals and groups to organize and speak openly in support of or against the government. I am excited to work with CCP to protect the First Amendment rights of all Americans to ensure open and dynamic political discourse.”

As a Research Fellow, Alex will primarily be involved in researching federal and state campaign finance regulations, and the effects of these regulations on First Amendment political speech rights. She will also be authoring blog posts and op-eds on behalf of the Center on a variety of free speech issues. In addition to her research work, Alex will aid the Center’s coalition efforts by drafting talking points on pertinent state and federal legislation.

Matt Nese

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