Congratulations Allison!

March 2, 2017   •  By IFS Staff   •  

Allison Hayward, formerly Vice President for Policy at CCP, has been appointed to a four-year term on California’s Fair Political Practices Commission by State Controller Betty Yee. Allison’s extensive background – as a professor (little known fact: her academic writing was cited in the majority opinion in Citizens United v. FEC, as was an amicus brief she wrote for a group of campaign finance scholars), a practioner, as Counsel to Commissioner and CCP founder Bradley Smith at the Federal Election Commission, and as a member of the Office of Congressional Ethics of the U.S. House of Representatives – makes her incredibly qualified for the position. But beyond her experience, Allison will bring to the FPPC a measure of skepticism of utopian schemes that is too often lacking in campaign finance enforcement. As a Republican, Allison will be outnumbered on the FPPC, but if coalitions can be built, Allison’s wit, intelligence, and good faith will make them happen.

Congratulations to Allison and the people of California.

IFS Staff

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