David Keating to join Reason Senior Editor Jacob Sullum in IQ2 Debate in New York

September 11, 2012   •  By Sarah Lee
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On Wednesday, September 12, CCP President David Keating will take part in the estimable Intelligence Squared (IQ2) debate live in New York City at 6:45 pm at the Kaufman Center located at 129 West 67th Street (between Broadway and Amsterdam).

The title of the debate is “Two Cheers for Super PACs: Money in Politics Is Still Overregulated.” David will be joined by Reason Magazine Senior Editor Jacob Sullum arguing in favor of that proposition. Arguing against that resolution will be former FEC Chairman Trevor Potter, president of the Campaign Legal Center (most recently known as the man who helped Stephen Colbert create a much-misdunderstood super PAC Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow) and Jonathan Soros, co-founder of super PAC Friends of Democracy, touted as the super PAC with the goal of ending the influence of super PACs. John Donovan of ABC will moderate.

Keating is expecting to speak generally on the role of super PACs and money in elections and the wisdom of freeing voters from the regulatory burdens that inhibit speech in the electoral process such as enforced and burdensome disclosure regulations and attempts to overturn 2010’s Citizen’s United decision.

The debate will be recorded for air on public television and will be broadcast on NPR nationally on over 220 radio stations. It will be live streamed here (users must go to “Live Stream”)

Sarah Lee

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