Doug Granger Joins the Institute for Free Speech as Director of Development

November 2, 2023   •  By IFS Staff   •  

The Institute for Free Speech is pleased to announce that Doug Granger has joined the Institute as its new Director of Development.

“Doug’s background and enthusiasm will be a valuable asset for our organization as we work to increase support for the cause of free political speech,” said Institute for Free Speech President David Keating.

Previously, Doug served as Director of Development Marketing at the Institute for Humane Studies where he worked to advance free speech and academic freedom in higher education.

“‘If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence.’ Variations of this famous line from Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis have been quoted so often that it almost seems cliché, but in reality, more of our fellow American citizens need to hear it repeatedly,” said Doug on the importance of free speech.

“That’s why I am so happy to be a part of a nonpartisan organization like the Institute for Free Speech, which is made up of litigators, researchers, and donors who not only believe in these rights but are actively fighting to defend them against those who would prefer silence and compliance.”

Prior to his time in the liberty movement, Doug worked as a university administrator in international affairs, as well as various roles in marketing, advertising, and consumer research in the private sector.

A native Northeast Ohioan, Doug earned his Master of Applied Politics degree from the University of Akron’s Ray C. Bliss Institute of Applied Politics and his B.A. in Comparative Politics from the University of Mount Union.

As a self-professed “political junkie” and illustrator, Doug also enjoys drawing editorial cartoons where he lampoons public figures across the ideological spectrum – all in the spirit of political free speech.

Please join us in welcoming Doug Granger to the Institute for Free Speech.

IFS Staff

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