Introducing Summer Fellow Haley Gluhanich

June 10, 2021   •  By IFS Staff   •  

The Institute for Free Speech is honored to welcome Haley Gluhanich as a 2021 Summer Fellow. In this role, Haley will spend her time studying political speech issues and assisting the research needs of the President and the organization’s legal and policy staff.

Haley is originally from Milford, Connecticut. She earned her undergraduate degree at Gettysburg College and now studies at Michigan State University College of Law. During her 2L year, Haley served as the Fundraising Chairman for the Student Bar Association and participated in the Law School’s First Amendment Clinic, where she prepared Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for different school districts and taught high school classes on numerous subjects, including student speech at school and on social media, copyright and fair use, defamation, and privacy. This experience led Haley to work as the Co-Curator and now Co-Director of Content for the McLellan Online Free Speech Library. In this role, she researches and authors Q&As based on student speech submissions, manages the Library’s social media accounts, and writes about current events pertaining to free speech.

“There’s a reason the First Amendment and its robust protections for free speech come first. Without freedom of speech, it would be near impossible to advocate for the other rights given to us, and true self-government would be unattainable,” Haley explained. “Freedom of speech is the foundation of our entire legal system. The Founders exercised their freedom to speak up about the issues they had once experienced and to offer and debate solutions to prevent those concerns from reoccurring. I am excited to work with the Institute to broaden my knowledge and understanding of the First Amendment by delving into a new focus area of this particular liberty.”

Haley is living in Washington, D.C. this summer as a selected participant of The Fund for American Studies program. We are excited to work with her and look forward to her contributions to our litigation and research efforts. Please join everyone at IFS in welcoming Haley to our team this summer!

IFS Staff

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