Citizens United: Affirming Government Can’t Ban Speech

January 1, 2018  •  By IFS Staff  •    •  

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission is a 2010 Supreme Court decision that restored some of the First Amendment rights of corporations and unions that had been restricted under the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002. The case was brought by Citizens United, a nonprofit organization that wished to advertise and distribute a documentary film critical of Hillary Clinton in…

Montana’s Supreme Court Relies on Erroneous History in Rejecting Citizens United

June 1, 2012   •  By Matt Nese   •  ,

The Montana Supreme Court won national attention recently when it decided that the First Amendment does not fully protect the speech and association rights of ...

Poll: Voters, Fueled by Media Reports, Show Misunderstanding of Citizens United

March 23, 2012   •  By Sarah Lee   •  , ,

Two years and two election cycles into the Super PAC era, the media firestorm against free speech and association has been palpable. A Google search ...

Do Voters Understand Super PACs?

March 23, 2012   •  By Matt Nese   •  , ,

Two years and two election cycles into the Super PAC era, the media firestorm against free speech and association has been palpable. A Google search ...

FEC Comments March 7th, 2012

March 8, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  , , ,

CCP submitted comments to the FEC regarding the Citizens United decision. 

The (Non-)Effects of Campaign Finance Spending Bans on Macro Political Outcomes: Evidence From the States

February 20, 2012   •  By Matt Nese   •  , ,

This paper seeks to understand the effect of campaign finance laws on electoral and policy outcomes. Spurred by the recent Supreme Court decision, Citizens United ...

This weekend in campaign finance

January 17, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  , ,

With the second anniversary of the Citizens United decision coming up this Saturday, reform groups are  pulling out all the stops to protest the decision. ...

Activist Investing in Post-Citizens United America

November 18, 2011   •  By Allen Dickerson   •  , ,

In the wake of last year’s U.S. Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the scope of political speech protected under the ...

An Analysis of Corporate Governance Reforms Proposed in Response to Citizens United to Limit Corporate Political Spending

October 20, 2011   •  By Joe Trotter   •  , ,

In the much discussed Citizens United v. FEC case, the Supreme Court overturned existing prohibitions on corporate political expenditures and recognized that outright prohibitions on ...

Activist Investing In Post-Citizens United America

October 20, 2011   •  By Joe Trotter   •  , ,

In the wake of last year’s U.S. Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC, the scope of political speech protected under the First Amendment ...

Comments of CCP Legal Director Allen Dickerson on the James Madison Center for Free Speech’s Petition to the FEC

August 31, 2011   •  By Allen Dickerson   •  , ,

CCP believes that the James Madison Center for Free Speech's petition properly aligns FEC regulations with the understanding of the First Amendment recently articulated ...

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