Contribution limits are monetary restrictions on the amount an individual or group can donate to a political actor – usually a candidate, political party, or political action committee. The Supreme Court first allowed limits on contributions in Buckley v. Valeo. The Court’s ruling acknowledged that contribution limits were a restriction on First Amendment activity, but allowed them on the theory…
Hon. Brett Kavanaugh United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (2006-Present) This post is the second in a series exploring ...
Multiple news accounts, including this one in Sunday’s Washington Post, report that President Donald Trump’s shortlist includes U.S. Appeals Court Judge Amy Coney Barrett ...
Incumbent politicians have a lot of advantages in campaigns. They have a network of donors to call on for support. They have an in ...
What sets Pennsylvania apart from its Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic neighbors? Freedom of speech in the political process, for one. Imagine you lived in a ...
Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis famously referred to the states as “laboratories of democracy.” States, Brandeis believed, could test out solutions to problems. Some ...
Imagine you lived in a state where it was illegal to express too much support for a candidate. Such a law would be a ...
Raising money is nobody’s favorite part of campaigns, but everyone knows it has to be done. In order for voters to have a choice ...
IMAGINE that you lived in a state where it was illegal to express too much support for a candidate. Such a law would be ...
“ The unfortunate trend in modern constitutional law is not only to create rights that appear nowhere in the Constitution, but also to disfavor ...