Disclosure, in the campaign finance context, refers to laws and regulations requiring candidates and political groups to report information about their activities to the government, which then makes that information available publicly. The required information varies greatly, depending on the affected organization and the local, state, or federal government mandating the disclosure. Disclosure rules fall into two broad categories: disclosure…
In February 2014, the Center for Competitive Politics began representing Citizen Outreach, a 501(c)(4) that allegedly ran afoul of Nevada campaign finance law in ...
It has just come to my attention that last week David Schultz, a Professor at the Graduate School of Management at Hamline University with ...
In order to legally solicit tax-deductible contributions in California, entities must first register with the state’s Registry of Charitable Trusts, which is administered by ...
If House File 1944 becomes law as written, there is a high likelihood that the law will be found unconstitutional if challenged in court. ...
If Senate File 1915 becomes law as written, there is a high likelihood that the law will be found unconstitutional if challenged in court. ...
When governments pass laws intended to curb the influence of wealth in politics, they often end up with regulatory regimes that are either so ...
Anonymous political speech has been the scorn of entrenched powers and the saving balm of emerging voices throughout English and American history. In its simplest terms, ...
It has become shibboleth among the speech regulation lobby that all “disclosure” is good, and that no amount of disclosure can be too much. ...
The Obama administration has not been shy about its position on campaign finance disclosure: it wants more of it. The IRS targeting of conservative ...
Today, we celebrate the anniversary of one of the most important pieces of writing in American history – Thomas Paine’s Common Sense. Originally published ...