FEC: An Agency Tasked with Regulating First Amendment Activity

January 1, 2018  •  By IFS Staff  •    •  

The Federal Election Commission is the independent agency charged with enforcing federal campaign finance law and enacting campaign finance regulations. The FEC was created after the Nixon Administration’s Justice Department pursued criminal campaign finance charges against the President’s critics. In light of that effort, Congress correctly rejected the idea of letting a future president effectively control a government agency tasked…

Comments of CCP Legal Director Allen Dickerson on Representative Christopher Van Hollen’s Petition to the FEC

August 31, 2011   •  By Allen Dickerson   •  , ,

CCP believes that Congressman Van Hollen's petition misinterprets existing law while inappropriately attempting to enact by regulatory action what Congress has already rejected in ...

Comments of CCP Legal Director Allen Dickerson on the James Madison Center for Free Speech’s Petition to the FEC

August 31, 2011   •  By Allen Dickerson   •  , ,

CCP believes that the James Madison Center for Free Speech's petition properly aligns FEC regulations with the understanding of the First Amendment recently articulated ...

Did FEC Get Too Much Info on ‘I Want Your Money?’

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October 20, 2010   •  By Allison Hayward   •  ,

How else to explain the inexplicable trouble the Federal Election Commission is having with a relatively straightforward request?

Counsel for the producers of ...

Comments of CCP Vice President Steve Hoersting on Coordinated Communications Rulemaking

January 20, 2010   •  By Steve Hoersting   •  , , ,

"Before the FEC adopted a content standard in its coordination investigations, the specter of a coordination investigation served as a kind of Hobson's choice ...

The Lonely Death of Public Campaign Financing

January 1, 2010   •  By IFS staff   •  ,

It may be a cliché to observe that campaign finance reform has proved conclusively that the road to perdition is paved with good intentions and that ...

The Devil We Know? Evaluating the FEC as Enforcer

September 16, 2009   •  By IFS staff   •  ,

The Federal Election Commission administers and enforces federal election laws. But campaign finance reformers have argued for years that the FEC does little to stem ...

Deadlocked Votes Among Members of the Federal Election Commission: Overview and Potential Considerations for Congress

August 3, 2009   •  By IFS staff   •  ,

In the mid-1970s, Congress designed the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to be a bipartisan independent regulatory agency. By congressional design, the agency’s structure is intended ...

Comments of the Center for Competitive Politics on the Draft Advisory Opinion

October 22, 2008   •  By IFS staff   •  , ,

As the Commission is aware, the advisory opinion was requested by the National Right to Life Committee, Inc. (NRLC), “a non-stock, not-for-profit corporation, exempt from ...

Amicus Brief: Shays v. FEC

February 21, 2007   •  By IFS staff   •  ,

Download Amicus Brief

Racing to Absurdity: What would Dale Earnhardt Do?

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December 26, 2006   •  By Brad Smith   •  ,

The FEC announced today its decisions in a couple of "MURs" (that's "Matters Under Review" for you normal folk).   The one

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