FEC: An Agency Tasked with Regulating First Amendment Activity

January 1, 2018  •  By IFS Staff  •    •  

The Federal Election Commission is the independent agency charged with enforcing federal campaign finance law and enacting campaign finance regulations. The FEC was created after the Nixon Administration’s Justice Department pursued criminal campaign finance charges against the President’s critics. In light of that effort, Congress correctly rejected the idea of letting a future president effectively control a government agency tasked…

Comments to FEC on Notice 2018-05 (Rulemaking Petition Concerning Former Candidates’ Personal Use)

May 21, 2018   •  By Allen Dickerson   •  , ,

The Institute for Free Speech (“the Institute”) respectfully submits the following comments in response to Notice 2018-05.[2] That notice concerns potential “rulemaking to clarify ...

Did a D.C. Federal Court Fail the “Major Purpose Test”?

May 14, 2018   •  By Mike Columbo   •  , , ,

A recent opinion by Judge Christopher R. Cooper of the federal District Court in Washington, D.C. poses new risks for advocacy groups and their ...

Stormy Weather for Campaign-Finance Laws

April 11, 2018   •  By Brad Smith   •  , ,

When you stretch the law to “get” a political opponent, it’s rarely possible to return the law to its original shape. Which brings us ...

Comments to FEC on Rulemaking 2014-02 (Independent Expenditure Reporting)

March 30, 2018   •  By David Keating   •  , ,

The Institute for Free Speech is pleased that the Federal Election Commission has issued this notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) regarding independent expenditures by ...

Feds prohibit candidates from commenting on Trump, despite constitutional questions

March 26, 2018   •  By Eric Wang   •  , ,

As the midterm congressional elections unfold, candidates are also running in 36 states for governor and competing for more than 6,000 state legislative seats. ...

On Trolls, Tweets, and Free Speech

January 26, 2018   •  By Brad Smith   •  , , ,

Lately, it seems to have become a sophomoric sport among some who regularly oppose our efforts to protect and expand free speech to try ...

A Teachable Moment for @alt_fec

January 4, 2018   •  By IFS Staff   •  , ,

The Twitter handle @alt_fec, which claims the mantle of “resistance” to the present administration, has tweeted to request our views on the First Amendment ...

Comments to FEC on Potential Rulemaking on Internet Communications Disclaimers

November 9, 2017   •  By Zac Morgan   •  , ,

For the third time in six years, the Federal Election Commission (“FEC” or “Commission”) has requested comments “on whether to begin a rulemaking to ...

Analysis of Klobuchar-Warner-McCain Internet Ads Legislation (S. 1989, 115th Cong.): So-Called “Honest Ads Act” Is Dishonest About Its Effects

November 1, 2017   •  By Eric Wang   •  , ,

PDF of Legislative Brief available here Analysis of Klobuchar-Warner-McCain Internet Ads Legislation (S. 1989,[1] 115th Cong.) So-Called “Honest Ads Act” Is Dishonest About Its ...

Federal Election Commission v. Jeremy Johnson and John Swallow

John Swallow
October 23, 2017   •  By IFS staff   •  , , ,

Can the FEC punish an individual for giving advice? That is the question at the core of Federal Election Commission v. Jeremy Johnson and John ...

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