First Amendment and Campaigns: More Campaign Speech Benefits Voters

January 1, 2018  •  By IFS Staff  •    •  

At the heart of the First Amendment is the assumption that Americans are best served by a full and free discussion of whom to elect. The American system of government sits atop the bedrock of the First Amendment. From the pamphleteering of the founding era to the Facebook ads of today, political campaigns have been premised upon free and open…

Comments to California Fair Political Practices Commission on Proposed Changes to 2 Cal. Code Regs. § 18225.7 (“Made at the Behest; Independent Versus Coordinated Expenditures”)

October 14, 2015   •  By Eric Wang   •  , , ,

Although the Commission’s proposal has many pitfalls and paradoxes, CCP notes some of the ones that stand out the most: The proposed changes would make ...

Comments to Montana Commissioner of Political Practices on Mont. Admin. Reg. Notice No. 44-2-207

August 18, 2015   •  By Eric Wang   •  , , ,

The Center for Competitive Politics (“CCP”) submits these comments in response to your office’s proposed changes to ARM § 44.10.301 et seq., as published ...

Comments to Texas Ethics Commission Regarding June 11, 2015 Revisions to Proposed Tex. Admin. Code § 20.1(21) (“In connection with a campaign”)

August 6, 2015   •  By David Keating   •  , , , ,

CCP commends the Commission for continuing to proceed in the right direction with this rulemaking.  The amendments the Commission adopted resolve some of the ...

The Campaign Finance ‘Zombies’ Have Spoken. Their Answer? Reform. Again.

July 28, 2015   •  By Brian Walsh   •  , ,

Crazy. Ravenous. Damnable. Taken together, this assortment of words would be best used to describe the undead or what are better known as ‘zombies.’ ...

The Donald and Donor Disclosure

July 20, 2015   •  By Scott Blackburn   •  , ,

Since the announcement of his Presidential campaign, there has been a near constant stream of mockery targeting Donald Trump. And rightly so. The aspiring ...

On Campaign Pledges and “Money in Politics”

July 9, 2015   •  By Scott Blackburn   •  , ,

Concerned with the threat of climate change, editors at The Nation have asked all of the presidential candidates to sign a pledge. The pledge ...

Freedom is winning the battle over money in politics: Should anyone celebrate?

July 9, 2015   •  By Brad Smith   •  , ,

Writing at The Washington Post’s Plum Line blog, Paul Waldman asks, (in the headline writer’s fair summary) “Republicans have won the battle over money ...

Comments to Texas Ethics Commission regarding proposed revisions to Tex. Admin. Code § 20.1(21) (“In connection with a campaign”)

June 8, 2015   •  By David Keating   •  , ,

The Center for Competitive Politics (“CCP”) submits these comments in response to the Texas Ethics Commission’s (the “Commission”) April 16, 2015 proposal to revise ...

What Can Bike Lanes Teach Us About Campaign Finance Laws?

Default Article
May 19, 2015   •  By Luke Wachob   •  ,

Vox’s Matthew Yglesias writes about how efforts to create new bike lanes are hindered, ironically, by environmental protection laws: “[A]t a high level the ...

Political Climate Change: How Contribution Limits and Campaign Finance Regulations are Lengthening Campaigns for President

May 11, 2015   •  By Scott Blackburn   •  , ,

Why are campaigns so long these days? Why are so many candidates declaring their candidacies or announcing that they will “test the waters” for a ...

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