First Amendment and Campaigns: More Campaign Speech Benefits Voters

January 1, 2018  •  By IFS Staff  •    •  

At the heart of the First Amendment is the assumption that Americans are best served by a full and free discussion of whom to elect. The American system of government sits atop the bedrock of the First Amendment. From the pamphleteering of the founding era to the Facebook ads of today, political campaigns have been premised upon free and open…

The Public Participation Act: A Comprehensive Model Approach to End Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation in the USA

April 1, 2010   •  By IFS staff   •  , ,

Over the past several decades, a particular abuse of the justice system has developed that poses a serious threat to free expression and petition. Strategic Lawsuits Against ...

Campaign Finance Disclosure and the Legislative Process

February 1, 2010   •  By IFS staff   •  , ,

The public debate over campaign finance reform has at its core a very serious and troubling contradiction. Advocates of campaign finance restrictions decry the subversive effect ...

Comments of CCP Vice President Steve Hoersting on Coordinated Communications Rulemaking

January 20, 2010   •  By Steve Hoersting   •  , , ,

"Before the FEC adopted a content standard in its coordination investigations, the specter of a coordination investigation served as a kind of Hobson's choice ...

Locking Up Political Speech: How Electioneering Communications Laws Stifle Free Speech and Civic Engagement

June 1, 2009   •  By IFS staff   •  , ,

Americans were once free to speak about politics without asking permission from the government or being forced to document their political activities for the authorities. But ...

Campaign Fund-raising and Spending for Deterrence and Savings

April 1, 2009   •  By IFS staff   •  , ,

I present a model of fund-raising in repeated elections where funds are raised to deter the entry of strong challengers, and to increase the probability ...

Comments of the Center for Competitive Politics on the Draft Advisory Opinion

October 22, 2008   •  By IFS staff   •  , ,

As the Commission is aware, the advisory opinion was requested by the National Right to Life Committee, Inc. (NRLC), “a non-stock, not-for-profit corporation, exempt from ...

Does Money Buy Elections? The Impact of Spending on U.S. Congressional Campaigns

January 1, 2008   •  By IFS staff   •  , ,

For many Americans, money is one of the most troubling aspects in modern election campaigns. The reasons voters give are simple: money is seen as a barrier ...

Campaign Finance Red Tape: Strangling Free Speech & Political Debate

October 1, 2007   •  By IFS staff   •  , , ,

Twenty-four states permit citizens to make laws directly through ballot measures. These states also regulate how citizens—if they band together—may speak out about them. In the name ...

Campaign War Chests and Challenger Quality in Senate Elections

February 1, 2007   •  By IFS staff   •  , ,

This article presents the first comprehensive analysis of the role of war chests in U.S. Senate elections. Using data on races from 1980 to 2000, ...

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