The Truth About “Microtargeting” and Political Speech: Why a Ban Is a Bad Idea

May 25, 2021   •  By Alex Baiocco   •  , ,

Targeting tools for online ads have become cheap, easy to use, and effective. This has yielded tremendous benefits for political speech and association. Some ...

Benefits of “Microtargeting”: Why Online Ad Targeting Tools Are Good for Free Speech and Democracy

May 25, 2021   •  By Alex Baiocco   •  , ,

Targeted online ads are an essential tool for Americans seeking to join forces with fellow citizens to make their voices heard. Now, some propose ...

The First Amendment Is Lucky to Have Mitch McConnell

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell hammered the first nail into the coffin of the draconian S. 1 legislation on Wednesday, announcing that the Democrats’ 800-plus-page rewrite of ...

Senators embarrass themselves defending S.1 bill’s assault on free speech

How do you defend a bill that would subsidize politicians' campaigns, expose people to harassment for their beliefs, and impose a partisan takeover of ...

California’s donor lists demand is a First Amendment crisis

April 26, 2021   •  By Brad Smith   •  , , ,

This piece originally appeared in Washington Examiner on April 26, 2021.   Can state officials demand to know what organizations you join and what charities ...

How the For the People Act could supercharge cancel culture

April 2, 2021   •  By Brad Smith   •  , , , ,

Many of H.R. 1's provisions would expose supporters of controversial causes, providing new ways to dox people and turbocharging an already malignant cancel culture.

Democrats’ Election Bill Is a Disaster for Free Speech

The consequence of all this will be less speech. Fewer individuals will give to causes they believe in for fear of receiving threats or ...

“For the People Act” gives politicians more power, curtails speech

The threats to free speech in the so-called “For the People Act” span hundreds of pages and are too numerous to cover in their ...

The Democrats’ New Schemes to Control Political Speech

This, apparently, is the president’s vision of democracy: a status quo-preserving machine wherein those in power get a monopoly on political speech, while the ...

Highlights of First Amendment-Related Exchanges Between Judge Barrett and Senate Judiciary Committee Members

The Institute for Free Speech reviewed transcripts of Judge Barrett’s answers to questions from members of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee during days two ...

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