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Political Parties: Vehicles for Political Association

January 1, 2018  •  By IFS Staff  •    •  

Political parties have been an important actor in American politics since this country’s founding. Parties have been a boon to First Amendment freedoms of political speech and association. They’ve allowed individuals to join together and speak with one voice about the issues of the day. They’ve allowed candidates to associate with a brand and more easily convey their message to…

On First Amendment Issues, 2016 Party Platforms Differ Greatly from Each Other, But also from 2012

August 4, 2016   •  By Joe Albanese   •  ,

The Democratic and Republican National Conventions have ended, and attention has shifted to the general election season ahead. Yet the parties’ respective platforms endure ...

The State of State Parties – and How Strengthening them Can Improve our Politics

March 1, 2016   •  By Matt Nese   •  ,

A mountain-state Republican Party official wants to send out mailers encouraging voters to go to the polls and vote for Republican candidates. But this traditional ...

An Open Letter to Conservatives: Why Party Coordinated Limits Should Be Repealed

December 9, 2015   •  By David Keating   •  , ,

Recently some members of the Freedom Caucus in Congress and other conservative leaders have expressed opposition to a proposal by Senate Majority Leader Mitch ...

Comments to Montana Interim State Administration and Veterans’ Affairs Committee on Proposed Changes to Admin. Rules of Mont. § 44.11.101 et seq.

November 16, 2015   •  By Eric Wang   •  , , ,

The Center for Competitive Politics (“CCP”) understands that the Commissioner of Political Practices (“CoPP”) has submitted proposed changes to his agency’s regulations for your ...

Super PACs vs. the Smoke-Filled Room

May 26, 2015   •  By Luke Wachob   •  , ,

Chris Cillizza illustrates the benefits of Citizens United and SpeechNow.Org in a Washington Post article examining the wide-open state of the Republican presidential field: ...

Comments on Colorado Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Rules Concerning Campaign and Political Finance 8 CCR 1505-6

May 21, 2015   •  By Allen Dickerson   •  , , , ,

On behalf of the Center for Competitive Politics, I write to offer comments on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Rules Concerning Campaign and Political ...

Richer Parties, Better Politics? Party-Centered Campaign Finance Laws and American Democracy

October 1, 2013   •  By Luke Wachob   •  , ,

Would “party-centered” campaign finance laws that channel money primarily through party organizations improve American politics? Scholars have long argued that political parties are essential mediating institutions ...

Campaigns, Mobilization, and Turnout in Mayoral Elections

July 15, 2013   •  By Matt Nese   •  ,

Research on local turnout has focused on institutions, with little attention devoted to examining the impact of campaigns. Using an original data set containing information ...

The Bizarre Common Cause Lawsuit

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May 17, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  

Common Cause has filed a lawsuit in a bizarre attempt to end the Senate practice of filibustering. The pro-regulation group partnered with Democratic Representatives ...

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