On March 12, 2025, Institute for Free Speech President David Keating gave testimony before the Kansas Senate Committee on Local Government, Transparency and Ethics ...
On January 30, 2025, Institute for Free Speech President David Keating gave testimony before the Kansas House of Representatives Committee on Elections on House ...
Ruling holds that the state cannot regulate a grassroots community group as a political action committee unless electoral advocacy is its primary purpose
Court enjoins enforcement of Kansas campaign finance laws pending September trial in case involving government threats of jail time for exercising political speech rights
Kansas's complex campaign finance regime resulted in an intrusive and expensive investigation of Overland Park nonprofit Fresh Vision OP for typical grassroots activities. The ...
Institute for Free Speech attorneys filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of Fresh Vision OP to challenge laws that threaten jail time for exercising ...
A group of citizens speaking out on local issues that matter to their community. What could be more American than that?
On behalf of the Center for Competitive Politics, I am writing you today to respectfully submit the following comments commending the Legislature for its ...