Comments on Maryland Senate Bill 1039

March 29, 2013   •  By Matt Nese   •  , , ,

External Relations Director Matt Nese submitted comments to the Maryland Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee on Senate Bill 1039, which makes several welcome revisions to existing ...

Comments on Maryland House Bill 1499

March 13, 2013   •  By Joe Trotter   •  , , ,

Center for Competitive Politics Legal Director Allen Dickerson testified before the Maryland Legislature on House Bill 1499, which incorporates many of the suggestions CCP ...

Testimony of Allen Dickerson before the Maryland Commission to Study Campaign Finance Law

June 13, 2012   •  By Joe Trotter   •  , , ,

CCP Legal Director Allen Dickerson was invited to offer testimony to the Maryland Commission to Study Campaign Finance Law, established by the the Maryland ...

Allen Dickerson testimony before Maryland General Assembly Commission

June 13, 2012   •  By Sarah Lee   •  , , ,

CCP Legal Director Allen Dickerson was invited to offer testimony today to the Maryland Commission to Study Campaign Finance Law, established by the the ...

Testimony of CCP President Sean Parnell to the Maryland Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee

March 16, 2011   •  By Sean Parnell   •  , ,

CCP is active on both the state and federal level on legislation relating to campaign finance and election law. Our priority is working with policymakers ...

Testimony of CCP Research and Government Relations Director Laura Renz to the Maryland Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee

March 10, 2011   •  By Laura Renz   •  , ,

Taxpayer financed campaigns like the one proposed in SB657 are always touted with sweeping promises of reforming the nature of elections and improving the way ...

Comments of CCP Vice President of Policy Allison Hayward on Maryland Attorney General’s Advisory Committee on Campaign Finance Report

January 7, 2011   •  By Allison Hayward   •  , , ,

CCP also maintained its previous reservations regarding the committe's support for restrictions and requirements on campaign use of social media, such as Twitter and ...

Comments of CCP Vice President of Policy Allison Hayward on Maryland Campaign Finance Reform Proposals

December 6, 2010   •  By Allison Hayward   •  , , ,

The Center for Competitive Politics (CCP) submitted comments to a Maryland panel considering changes to the state's campaign finance law. CCP's policy recommendations include ...

Testimony of CCP Research & Government Relations Director Laura Renz to Maryland House Ways and Means Committee

March 16, 2010   •  By Laura Renz   •  , , ,

In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, there has been significant speculation as to how the ...

Testimony of CCP Research & Government Relations Director Laura Renz to Maryland House Ways and Means Committee

March 9, 2010   •  By Laura Renz   •  , , ,

First, it is important to note that long before the Court’s decision in Citizens United, corporations, unions and other groups could spend an unlimited amount ...

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