Albuquerque Voters Say No to Subsidizing Political Candidates

December 12, 2019   •  By Tiffany Donnelly   •  , ,

On Election Day, Albuquerque residents registered their opinion on a ballot initiative that, if approved, would have forcibly used their tax dollars to finance ...

Constitutional and Practical Issues with New Mexico Secretary of State Revised Proposed Rule 1.10.13 NMAC

August 29, 2017   •  By Tyler Martinez   •  , ,

VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL Hon. Maggie Toulouse Oliver, New Mexico Secretary of State Capitol Annex North 325 Don Gaspar Suite 300 Santa Fe, N.M. 87501 ...

Constitutional and Practical Issues with New Mexico Secretary of State Proposed Rule 1.10.13 NMAC

July 13, 2017   •  By Tyler Martinez   •  , ,

On behalf of the Center for Competitive Politics (“the Center”), I respectfully submit the following comments on constitutional issues with portions of Proposed Rule ...

Constitutional and Practical Issues with New Mexico Senate Bill 96

March 14, 2017   •  By Brad Smith   •  , ,

On behalf of the Center for Competitive Politics (“the Center”), we respectfully submit the following comments on constitutional issues with portions of Senate Bill ...

Significant Constitutional and Practical Issues with New Mexico Senate Bill 11

February 16, 2016   •  By Matt Nese   •  , , ,

On behalf of the Center for Competitive Politics, I respectfully submit the following comments on constitutional and practical issues with portions of Senate Bill ...

CCP Response to Campaign Legal Center’s Response to CCP’s Comments on New Mexico House Bill 278

March 11, 2015   •  By Matt Nese   •  , ,

In many respects, the competing analyses of CCP and CLC reflect differing views of the First Amendment. While CCP believes that “the First Amendment ...

Constitutional Issues with New Mexico Senate Bill 384

February 17, 2015   •  By Matt Nese   •  , ,

The provisions of S.B. 384 would ultimately chill protected speech by mandating the disclosure of donors to organizations that are engaged solely in issue ...

Constitutional Issues with New Mexico House Bill 278

February 17, 2015   •  By Matt Nese   •  , ,

The provisions of H.B. 278 would ultimately chill protected speech by mandating the disclosure of donors to organizations that are engaged solely in issue ...

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