Austin has limited digitized billboards to only those that display “on-premises” messages, effectively prohibiting ideological or abstract messages. Austin raises various excuses to conceal ...
Most of the briefing in this case concerns a question the Court need not resolve: whether a pure censure resolution, imposed on a member ...
Imagine showing up to vote on Election Day wearing a t-shirt with your favorite candidate’s slogan. The poll workers say your shirt is illegal ...
A Texas law violates the First Amendment right to engage in political boycotts, according to an amicus brief filed late Friday by the Institute ...
Lake Travis Citizens Council (LTCC) is a small nonprofit corporation located in Travis County, Texas. The Council’s stated goal is “to make life better ...
The Center for Competitive Politics (“CCP”) submits these comments in response to the revisions the Texas Ethics Commission (the “Commission”) made at its August ...
CCP commends the Commission for continuing to proceed in the right direction with this rulemaking. The amendments the Commission adopted resolve some of the ...
The Center for Competitive Politics (“CCP”) submits these comments in response to the Texas Ethics Commission’s (the “Commission”) April 16, 2015 proposal to revise ...
The Center for Competitive Politics respectfully submits the following comments on House Bill 37, as substituted by the House State Affairs Committee. This draconian ...
I write on behalf of the Center for Competitive Politics (“CCP”), a nonpartisan § 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to promoting and protecting First Amendment political ...