Why Social Media Platforms are not Common Carriers

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January 5, 2023   •  By IFS staff   •  ,

Authored by Ashutosh Bhagwat   Abstract: In a recent opinion respecting denial of certiorari, Justice Clarence Thomas expressed concerns about the degree of control ...

Corporate Political Spending and State Tax Policy: Evidence from Citizens United

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August 14, 2022   •  By IFS staff   •  , , ,

Abstract To what extent is U.S. state tax policy affected by corporate political contributions? The 2010 Supreme Court Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission ...

Do Campaign Finance Reforms Insulate Incumbents from Competition? New Evidence from State Legislative Elections

July 10, 2020   •  By IFS Staff   •  , ,

Abstract: Variations in state campaign finance regulations across states and over time provide an opportunity to test the effects of reforms on the electoral ...

Small-Donor-Based Campaign-Finance Reform and Political Polarization

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November 18, 2019   •  By IFS Staff   •  ,

Abstract: The communications revolution has led to a sudden, dramatic explosion in small-donor contributions to national election campaigns. In response, many political reformers, including ...

Risky Business: Do disclosure and shareholder approval of corporate political contributions affect firm performance?

May 8, 2019   •  By IFS Staff   •  , ,

Abstract: The role of corporations in the U.S. political process has received increased scrutiny in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United ...

Why the Government Should Not Regulate Content Moderation of Social Media

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April 9, 2019   •  By IFS Staff   •  ,

President Trump recently complained that Google searches are biased against Republicans and conservatives. Many conservatives argue that Facebook and Google are monopolies seeking to ...

Transparency and Corruption: A General Analysis

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January 11, 2019   •  By IFS Staff   •  ,

Abstract: This essay makes two claims: transparency in government causes the very corruption it aims to prevent, and the problem is universal. Some scholars, ...

Curtailing the Cudgel of ‘Coordination’ by Curing Confusion: How States Can Fix What the Feds Got Wrong on Campaign Finance

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April 20, 2018   •  By IFS Staff   •  , , ,

Abstract: The theory behind laws prohibiting coordinated communications is intuitive and simple. If a candidate for office, who is subject to statutory limits on ...

Staring at the Sun: An Inquiry into Compulsory Campaign Finance Donor Disclosure Laws

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December 14, 2017   •  By IFS Staff   •  , , ,

Abstract: Since the Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in  Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, proponents of stricter campaign finance regulation have increasingly prescribed “disclosure” ...

Free Speech Under Fire: The Future of the First Amendment

December 2, 2016   •  By Joe Albanese   •  , , ,

In a set of remarks preceded by Brooklyn Law School President and Joseph Crea Dean Nicholas W. Allard, famed First Amendment lawyer Floyd Abrams muses ...

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