Freedom of Speech and Equality: Do We Have to Choose?

December 2, 2016   •  By Joe Albanese   •  ,

In this essay, Nadine Strossen, the John Marshall Harlan II Professor of Law at New York Law School and former president of the ACLU, ...

A Landmark Decision Turns Forty: A Conversation on Buckley v. Valeo

December 2, 2016   •  By Joe Albanese   •  , ,

In this series of essays by Brooklyn Law School President and Joseph Crea Dean Nicholas W. Allard, U.S. Court of Appeals Senior Judge and ...

Free Speech Matters: The Roberts Court and the First Amendment

December 2, 2016   •  By Joe Albanese   •  , , ,

In this article, Brooklyn Law School Professor Joel M. Gora, an IFS Academic Advisor, examines the impact of the Roberts Court on First Amendment ...

Outsourcing Politics: The Hostile Takeovers of Our Hollowed out Political Parties

December 1, 2016   •  By Matt Nese   •  ,

In this article by New York University School of Law Professor Samuel Issacharoff, the author examines the effect of multiple factors, including strict campaign ...

The Academy, Campaign Finance, and Free Speech Under Fire

September 27, 2016   •  By Matt Nese   •  ,

In this short essay, Institute for Free Speech Chairman and Co-Founder and Capital University Law School Professor Bradley A. Smith argues that academic efforts ...

Pre-Primary News Coverage of the 2016 Presidential Race: Trump’s Rise, Sanders’ Emergence, Clinton’s Struggle

June 1, 2016   •  By Matt Nese   •  ,

This analysis by Thomas E. Patterson of the Harvard Kennedy School and Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy evaluates news media coverage ...

When do the Rich Win?

May 1, 2016   •  By Matt Nese   •  ,

Abstract: There is exploding academic and non-academic interest in the relative influence of economic “haves” and “have-nots” on public policy. In a recent, widely referenced ...

Do State Campaign Finance Reforms Increase Trust and Confidence in State Government?

March 30, 2016   •  By Matt Nese   •  , , ,

The political and legal battle over campaign finance reform hinges on differing views about the importance of such regulations for preserving and enhancing the integrity ...

The State of State Parties – and How Strengthening them Can Improve our Politics

March 1, 2016   •  By Matt Nese   •  ,

A mountain-state Republican Party official wants to send out mailers encouraging voters to go to the polls and vote for Republican candidates. But this traditional ...

Neutral Principles and Some Campaign Finance Problems

February 1, 2016   •  By Matt Nese   •  , ,

This Article has both positive and normative objectives. As a positive matter, it shows that the Roberts Court’s campaign finance regulation jurisprudence can be best explained ...

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