Foresight is 20/20: Free Speech Developments to Follow This Year

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February 12, 2020   •  By Alex Baiocco   •  , , , , ,

A number of trends that will continue to unfold in 2020 have the potential to significantly impact Americans’ political speech rights. As policymakers, pundits, ...

DC Residents May Be Forced to Pay for Jack Evans’ Next Campaign

January 31, 2020   •  By Tyler Martinez   •  ,

Taxpayer-financed campaigns are a bad idea. The latest evidence comes from the D.C. Council, where longtime incumbent Jack Evans recently “resigned in disgrace” from ...

Albuquerque Voters Say No to Subsidizing Political Candidates

December 12, 2019   •  By Tiffany Donnelly   •  , ,

On Election Day, Albuquerque residents registered their opinion on a ballot initiative that, if approved, would have forcibly used their tax dollars to finance ...

Two Court Cases Prove Why Free Speech Protections Still Matter at Polling Places

December 11, 2019   •  By Deborah La Fetra   •  , ,

Imagine showing up to vote on Election Day wearing a t-shirt with your favorite candidate’s slogan. The poll workers say your shirt is illegal ...

Tiffany Donnelly Joins Institute for Free Speech as Media Manager

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November 7, 2019   •  By IFS Staff   •  ,

The Institute for Free Speech is excited to welcome Tiffany Donnelly to our team as Media Manager. As Media Manager, Tiffany will manage the ...

IFS Mourns the Passing of Donald G. Smith

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November 5, 2019   •  By Brad Smith   •  ,

All of us at IFS mourn the passing of Donald G. (Don) Smith this week.

Can the Dead Corrupt Politics?

October 16, 2019   •  By Ryan Morrison   •  , ,

Can a dead man’s unexpected donation corrupt the political process? That’s a question the Supreme Court may answer if it decides to hear the ...

Federal Court Halts Enforcement of New Jersey Nonprofit Disclosure Law

October 8, 2019   •  By Ryan Morrison   •  , , ,

It was a good day for the First Amendment in New Jersey last week, as a federal district court issued a preliminary injunction to ...

New York Nonprofit Disclosure Law Struck Down in Win for Privacy in Association

October 7, 2019   •  By Zac Morgan   •  , , ,

Last week, the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York handed down a significant victory for First Amendment rights. In ...

Facebook’s Ad Policy is Being Weaponized

August 29, 2019   •  By Scott Blackburn   •  ,

Facebook is allowing its ad policy to be weaponized by political operatives to suppress speech they don’t like. And in so doing, the company ...

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