H.R. 1, better known as the “For the Politicians Act,” would institute sweeping new limitations on speech about campaigns and public affairs. In response, ...
This portion of the bill will further enhance the role of the federal government in election campaigns. Tax-financing will increase the risk that partisan ...
Presenting herself as the hypothetical “bad guy” trying to destroy democracy, Ocasio-Cortez spun a tale about how she could (among other things) “use my ...
IFS Chairman Bradley A. Smith corrects the record on a line of misleading questioning by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on current U.S. campaign finance laws.
Any system which promises large sums of taxpayer funding for private individuals can be ripe for abuse. And in H.R. 1’s proposal, if you ...
H.R. 1, also known as the “For the People Act of 2019,” is much better understood as the “For the Politicians Act” due to ...
Advocates of tax-financed campaign programs frequently claim success in the states and municipalities that implement them. However, these advocates set a very low bar ...
Over the past year, many pundits and media outlets have speculated about the role of money in the 2018 midterm elections. Much of that ...
Ben and Jerry share a passion for ice cream. Ben and Jerry also share a passion for progressive political advocacy. If Ben and Jerry ...
Three cheers for Uber and Lyft for offering discounted (and, in many cases, free) rides to voters on Election Day. It’s a shame that the law ...