Brennan Center Outlines Strategy for More Supreme Court Rulings Upholding Speech Regulations

October 27, 2016   •  By Joe Albanese   •  ,

Ferguson and Lee argue that the Court’s use of empirical evidence in evaluating campaign finance regulations varies from case to case, and that most ...

Elizabeth Warren Attacks SEC Chair for Refusing to Help Her Silence Businesses

October 18, 2016   •  By Joe Albanese   •  ,

Late last week, Senator Elizabeth Warren renewed a conflict with Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Mary Jo White, calling on President Obama to remove ...

The Hidden Admissions of the “Unilateral Disarmament” Defense

October 13, 2016   •  By Alex Baiocco   •  , ,

Vague commitments to pursue “campaign finance reform” and promises to overturn Citizens United have become increasingly popular talking points among some candidates this election ...

Some FEC Commissioners Unwilling to Commit to Not Banning Books

October 11, 2016   •  By Joe Albanese   •  ,

The Federal Election Commission’s recent public meeting revealed a partisan gap on what would have otherwise seemed a straightforward issue. Commissioner Lee Goodman proposed ...

New Year, Same Story: 2016 CPA-Zicklin Index Chills Speech

October 3, 2016   •  By Brad Smith   •  , ,

The Center for Political Accountability (CPA) and the Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research have released the 2016 edition of their annual study of ...

Enabling the Harassment of Donors for Their Beliefs is Not Free Speech

September 19, 2016   •  By Joe Albanese   •  , , ,

A consistent refrain from defenders of free speech is that the remedy for speech you dislike is more speech, not less. This logic was ...

The NRA’s Political Spending is No Different From Any Other Group’s

September 15, 2016   •  By Joe Albanese   •  , ,

Last week, the Sunlight Foundation – an organization that supports increased donor disclosure for nonprofit groups that occasionally speak about candidates and issues as ...

The Rhetoric of “Rigged”

September 12, 2016   •  By Alex Baiocco   •  ,

In a recent piece published in The Guardian, “experts” express their fears and concerns about Donald Trump’s rhetoric about the potential for a “rigged” ...

Maine Activists Embrace Taxpayer Subsidies for Politicians in Ignorance of Systemic Flaws

September 9, 2016   •  By Joe Albanese   •  ,

In Maine, some speech regulatory activists are already celebrating the 2016 election cycle as an important milestone. Not because they are expecting higher voter ...

CEOs May Influence Their Employees’ Contributions – and That’s Okay

September 5, 2016   •  By Joe Albanese   •  , ,

A recent study purports to find a new link between the political activities of CEOs and their employees. After reviewing a large sample of ...

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