Coercing ExxonMobil; Constraining CEI: A Harbinger of Grassroots Lobbying Disclosure

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November 27, 2006   •  By Steve Hoersting   •  ,

Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi has promised to "break the link between lobbyists and legislation," and has included in that program proposals for grassroots lobbying disclosure.  ...

Any Given Tuesday (On the Road to the Tuesday They’re Focusing On)

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November 23, 2006   •  By Steve Hoersting   •  ,

There is instrumentalism in reform.  Who will win, and who loses, is calculated and anticipated, but ultimately unknown.

Perhaps the events of a single Tuesday ...

Goodbye to Voter Guides? Frankenstein’s Monster Strikes Again

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November 22, 2006   •  By Brad Smith   •  ,

UPDATE:  An abbreviated version of this post by CCP Chairman Brad Smith is available in this week's Roll Call ($) --

Journalists should avoid cliches like the plague

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November 17, 2006   •  By IFS staff   •  ,

Is the right of potential candidates to consider carefully whether to run for the most powerful political office in the world a "tired cliche?"  ...

How many chances do they need?

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November 14, 2006   •  By IFS staff   •  ,

Yesterday in the L.A. Times, columnist George Skelton post-mortemed Prop. 89, the public financing initiative that California voters overwhelmingly rejected last Tuesday.  His conclusion: ...

The Significance in Parody; the Significance of Reform

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November 13, 2006   •  By Steve Hoersting   •  ,

The Onion skewers the campaign finance "reform" movement in its inimitable style.

It is easy to pass quickly on the humor, and quickly past the ...

Complicated, but not Comprehensive…Part II

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November 9, 2006   •  By IFS staff   •  ,

Today the FEC will consider an alternative draft of AO 2006-30 (ActBlue).  CCP considers this most recent draft to be a substantial improvement over the ...

“Electric Politics”

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November 7, 2006   •  By Steve Hoersting   •  ,

CCP Chairman Brad Smith and John R. Lott, Jr. temper fears of electronic voting in National Review Online.  Say Smith ...

The Fraud of “Publicly” Financed Elections

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November 4, 2006   •  By Brad Smith   •  ,

Would government financing of political campaigns really remove "deep-pocket special interests" from politics.  No.  Click the headline for more.

“What if We’re to Blame?”

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November 3, 2006   •  By IFS staff   •  ,

In a recent Washington Post op-ed, Robert J. Samuelson considers whether public opinion is to blame for the problems in ...

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