Has Tax Funding of Presidential Elections Been a Success?

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August 21, 2006   •  By Brad Smith   •  ,

Last week, the campaign finance pro-regulatory community launched a coordinated media effort to drum up support for increasing the federal budget earmark for presidential campaign subsidies.  ...

Block the Vote: Abusing Election Laws to Limit Competition

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August 20, 2006   •  By Steve Hoersting   •  ,

In this Washington Post op-ed, former Federal Election Commission Chairman and CCP Senior Advisor Bradley Smith notes the growing use of election laws ...

Newsreel III

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August 11, 2006   •  By Steve Hoersting   •  ,

JIDDAH, Saudi Arabia -- The girl in the gold Lexus waved at Husam Thobaity.  She was in the back seat, covered by a black veil ...

When the Law is Used to Stifle Competition

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August 10, 2006   •  By Brad Smith   •  ,

Campaign and election laws are often used to stifle, not enhance political competition. 

Lamont, Lieberman, and the Distorting Effects of Campaign Finance Law on Political Competition

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August 9, 2006   •  By Brad Smith   •  , ,

Ned Lamont's primary victory over Joe Lieberman exposes the ways in which our campaign finance laws distort the political choices available to Americans and ...

Contribution Contradiction in North Carolina

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August 7, 2006   •  By Steve Hoersting   •  ,

North Carolina Governor Mike Easley has been busy. On July 23, 2006, he signed into law H.B. 1845, which prohibits the personal use of ...

CCP, Cato and IJ: Washington Radio Jockeys Case

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August 3, 2006   •  By IFS staff   •  ,

Bob Bauer asks what silence says about the reform agenda in the San Juan County Radio Jockeys Case and mentions CCP ...

Competition and the Alleged Leadership PAC “Loophole”

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July 31, 2006   •  By Brad Smith   •  ,

Many "reform" organizations are claiming that Congress is going to open a "loophole" in campaign finance law by allowing leadership PACs to make unlimited ...

A Question of Priorities

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July 28, 2006   •  By Brad Smith   •  ,

Senator Russ Feingold and Congressmen Chris Shays and Marty Meehan have introduced legislation to increase taxpayer subsidies to political campaigns by as much as ...

Debating the CFI Report

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July 26, 2006   •  By Brad Smith   •  ,

Michael Malbin, President of the Campaign Finance Institute, responds in part to my comments on CFI's study of non-profits' election activity.  And I respond ...

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