Utah officials rewrote credential rules to exclude independent journalists following Schott’s critical coverage
A federal lawsuit seeks to stop a 2024 ballot initiative from placing blatantly unconstitutional limits on Mainers’ free speech rights.
Lawsuit filed after school officials threatened ejection and arrest at girls’ high school soccer game, then imposed trespass orders against parents
Oklahoma's oldest TV station is fighting back against state officials who have repeatedly barred its journalists from public meetings and press conferences—all without explanation.
City censored citizen request to fly Pine Tree Flag commemorating Battle of Bunker Hill
Attorneys for the Institute for Free Speech filed suit to end disclosure of small donations made through online "conduits" like WinRed or ActBlue
Kansas's complex campaign finance regime resulted in an intrusive and expensive investigation of Overland Park nonprofit Fresh Vision OP for typical grassroots activities. The ...
Colorado lawmakers silenced and chilled speech during public hearings on “Tiara’s Law”
The lawsuit, filed by Institute for Free Speech attorneys, aims to halt viewpoint discrimination by New York City public schools