The Center for Competitive Politics filed a lawsuit on behalf of a Colorado think tank saying that state campaign finance disclosure laws are unconstitutional ...
Can a think tank run ads advocating for public policy without first disclosing its donors to the federal government? That is the question at ...
Can a campaign contribution restriction be based solely on the time of year it was given under the guise of fighting corruption, or do ...
Can a group of veterans be prohibited from advocating for public policy, because they wish to use robocalls? That is the question at the ...
In February 2014, the Center for Competitive Politics began representing Citizen Outreach, a 501(c)(4) that allegedly ran afoul of Nevada campaign finance law in ...
In order to legally solicit tax-deductible contributions in California, entities must first register with the state’s Registry of Charitable Trusts, which is administered by ...
David Rubin is a resident of the Town of Manlius, New York. He wishes to exercise his First Amendment right to engage in political ...
Should the state have the power to regulate groups that publish nonpartisan voter guides in the same way that it regulates candidate committees, political ...
The Center for Competitive Politics (CCP) petitioned the US Supreme Court for a writ of certiorari in Corsi v. Ohio Elections Commission. The petition challenges a ...