Giving the equivalent of government-funded steroids to campaigns will not create a level playing field. It will just make elections more costly, more ad-driven, ...
The question of what should be regulated as "political" speech may be new to Facebook, but it has vexed campaign finance reformers for decades.
We have never accepted that the government — or our neighbors — have a broad right to know about our political activities.
Running for office and making speeches before one runs for office are core First Amendment rights. The FEC’s “testing the waters” rule unconstitutionally burdens ...
The way to counter corruption and check the influence of entrenched power is not to pry open the donor files of organizations, but to ...
Unfortunately, the first bill proposed in the 2019 Congress will destroy the FEC’s bipartisanship.
Transparency is for government; privacy is for citizens.
Ironically, campaign finance controversies surrounding Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Democratic freshmen class superstar, illustrate the bill’s severe flaws.
Ironically, the first bill introduced by Democrats could thus lead to more candidates like Trump.
Each part of Ocasio-Cortez’s scenario misstates either the law or the facts of campaign finance. Let’s unpack it, point by point.