Taxpayer funding of campaigns as designed by H.R. 1 is likely to help incumbents and established candidates who already have large fundraising networks in ...
What if members of Congress told you the only way to preserve democracy in America was to give them more power over how Americans ...
As the jockeying for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination has begun, too many pundits are buying into politicians’ self-serving attacks against other candidates’ supporters.
Does the government have the power to suppress a film if it criticizes a candidate running for office?
Like an Internet meme promoting a narrative, many now say Russia’s online propaganda in America was focused on interfering with the 2016 elections. Federal ...
In order for the prohibition on personal use of campaign funds to have any force, it cannot depend on the candidate’s subjective intent to ...
Enactment of the Personal Privacy Protection Act will be a victory for the First Amendment right to support the causes we believe in.
This theory of the law would transform campaign finance donations from money used only to pay for a campaign to persuade the public, to ...
The prosecutor is twisting campaign-finance law.
Election Day is like the Kentucky Derby for political nerds. It does not happen out of nowhere. A lot of people donate a lot ...