The recent election in Virginia was a wave. Democrats swept the races for statewide office. Republicans, previously a supermajority in the House of Delegates, ...
By Luke Wachob Roem outraised Marshall 3-to-1 thanks in part to large donations from lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender advocates across the country. This was ...
President Obama often referred to “teachable moments”—unplanned opportunities to gain insight on a problem. We had one last month when President Trump tweeted: “With ...
This week, three congressional committee hearings will probe Russian attempts to influence our election campaign last year on social media. S.1989, the recently introduced, ...
Imagine a scenario: A politician runs for office promising to focus on a specific issue that is a priority for thousands, if not millions, ...
In the Supreme Court’s closely watched redistricting case, the Court’s progressive justices queried the counsel for the Wisconsin Legislature for unseemly motives, aware a ...
In August, the city of Seattle put its ” one-of-a-kind,” “democracy voucher” program to the test. It flunked. Just weeks after the poor first ...
Recent revelations that Russian interests used social media to interfere with the 2016 American election campaign have sent lawmakers scurrying to respond. China’s “Great ...
Republicans on Capitol Hill are outraged by the announcement that the Department of Justice would stick with the Obama administration decision not to prosecute ...
How should we react when businesses donate to nonprofits, think tanks, and social welfare organizations? Should we feel fear and disgust that Big Money ...